January 2023 Monthly Check In
Here are some prompts and questions to help you reflect and self coach on the previous and upcoming month.
Reflect on December
Who or what are you most grateful for from this past month?
What goals or projects did you make progress on in the month of December, however small?
What do you want to let go or leave behind from last month?
What memories do you want to remember from this past month?
What lessons do you want to learn from December?
Plan for January
What are you saying yes to this month?
What are you saying no to this month?
What are you excited about or hopeful for in the month of January?
What might cause stress this month?
What is on your to do list this month?
What are you moving into next month?
12/12/2022 Weekly Check In
What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?
Top 3 things to give time, energy, and attention to this week:
What is a feeling or emotion that you want to cultivate for yourself this week?
How do you want to do that?
How do you want to start the week with intention?
What feels energizing to you this week?
What might drain your energy this week?
Where do you want to build in rest, reset or relaxation time this week?
December 2022 Monthly Check In
Here are some prompts and questions to help you reflect and self coach on the previous and upcoming month.
Reflect on November
Who or what are you most grateful for from this past month?
What goals or projects did you make progress on in the month of November, however small?
What do you want to let go of leave behind from last month?
What memories do you want to remember from this past month?
What lessons do you want to learn from November?
Plan for December
What are you saying yes to this month?
What are you saying no to this month?
What are you excited about or hopeful for in the month of December?
What might cause stress this month?
What is on your to do list this month?
What are you moving into next month (the new year)?
12/5/2022 Weekly Check In
What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?
Top 3 things to give time, energy, and attention to this week:
What can you do to start the week with intention?
What is a habit or routine that needs more time and attention this week?
What does your body need this week? How do you want to build that in?
What bright spots are you looking forward to this week?
Where do you want to build in rest, reset or recovery time this week?
11/28/2022 Weekly Check In
What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?
Top 3 things to get your time, energy, and attention this week:
What do you want to get done before the end of the month?
What are you okay with not getting done?
What do you want to be mindful of this week?
What do you want to give extra attention to?
What would you like your relationship with technology to look like this week?
How do you want to build in rest and recovery this week?
What does that look like for you?
November 2022 Monthly Check In
Here are some prompts and questions to help you reflect and self coach on the previous and upcoming month.
Reflect on October
Who or what are you grateful for from the month of October?
Where did you see progress on your goals last month?
What didn’t go quite as planned that you can leave behind?
What are your favorite memories from October?
What lessons are you bringing with you into this next month?
Plan for November
What are you saying yes to this month?
What are you saying no to this month?
What are you looking forward to in November?
What is stressful about this month?
What are you to do items for this month?
October 2022 Monthly Check In
Here are some prompts and questions to help you reflect and self coach on the previous and upcoming month.
Reflect on September
Things or people you are grateful for from the month of September:
What are ways you made progress towards your goals and projects?
What do you want to let go of?
What do you want to remember from last month?
What lessons did you learn?
Plan for October
What you saying no to this month?
What are you saying yes to this month?
What are you excited about this month? What are you hoping for?
What is on your mind as you head into this next month? What might be stressing you out?
What is your to do list for this month? What do you hope to get done? What do you want to make progress on?
September 2022 Monthly Check In
Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:
Here are some prompts and questions to help you reflect and self coach on the previous and upcoming month.
Reflect on August
Who are what are you grateful for from the month of August?
What goals or projects did you make progress on last month?
What do you want to let go of moving into the next month?
What are your favorite memories from last month?
What lessons do you want to bring with you into this upcoming month?
Plan for September
What are you saying yes to? What are you saying no to?
What is weighing on you about this next month?
What is on your mind, might be causing stress or anxiety?
What are you excited about or hopeful for in the month of September?
What is on your to do list for this month?
What is your theme for this month?
What is a motivational word or phrase you are thinking about?
What is the seasonal energy you want to have?